Tel:+86 15992170679  mob:+86-15992192676   Whatsapp: +86-15992192676

Taishan SiNuoTe Fastener Hardware Co., Ltd.


Shipment of Self-clinching standoffs to United States.

Shipment of Self-clinching standoffs to United States. 

About a batch of approximately 230,000 pcs of Self-clinching standoffs shipped to the United States. 

1. Details of the shipped products: 

Model: SO--M3-8 ZI 

Quantity: 230,000pcs 

Material: Carbon steel 

2.Picture for reference

SO standoffs.jpg


3. Packaging requirements: 

self-clinching standoff.jpeg

If you have any questions or need further coordination, please feel free to contact our company.

Contact email : / 

whatsapp: +86 15992192676 

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