Rivnut Nutserts Rivet Nuts Supplier In China
Riveting Nuts in Metal Sheets:
Riveting nuts are widely used in metal sheets to create strong, threaded connections
without the need for welding or additional hardware. Here’s how they work:
Preparation: A hole is drilled into the metal sheet, matching the size of the rivet nut.
Installation: The rivet nut is inserted into the hole, and a rivet tool pulls the mandrel,
causing the nut to deform and grip the sheet tightly.
Result: A durable, threaded insert is formed, ready to accept screws or bolts.
Automotive: Securing panels and components.
Electronics: Mounting circuit boards or enclosures.
Aerospace: Lightweight fastening for aircraft parts.
Riveting nuts offer a quick, reliable solution for creating threaded connections in thin or delicate metal sheets.
Perfect for industries requiring strength and efficiency!
#RivetingNuts #FasteningSolutions #MetalFabrication #Engineering #IndustrialDesign
Flat Head Round Body Open End
Knurled Round or Half-Hex Body
Flat Head Round Body Closed End
Countersunk Head Round Body